When birth parents read about your family, even the smallest detail could help them make their decision.
If you’re working on your birth parent book, you may be wondering exactly what birth parents are looking for in adoptive families. Most of all, birth parents want the same thing for their baby that all parents do. They want their baby to be loved, safe, cared for, and happy. Your birth parent book will describe how you can provide those things to your adopted child.
It’s All In The Details
Of course, every adoptive family wants to provide a safe and nurturing environment for their child. So, why do adoptive parents write birth parent books? It’s the details that matter. You likely have a very specific lifestyle and are planning on raising your child in a specific way. It is the job of your local adoption agency to match your lifestyle and parenting style with the dreams of the birth parents. For example, the birth parents may have a preference for the religion of their child’s adoptive family. Or, perhaps they want a family that lives close so that they can visit. Or maybe they want an adoptive family that already has children so that their child grows up with siblings. You may have matching holiday pajama parties. You may have a favorite vacation spot. There are many different types of dreams that prospective birth parents may have for their child. When the dreams of the birth parents and the lifestyle of the adoptive family are in sync, then both parties are comfortable and happy with the adoption.
The Power of Sharing
There are many ways you can write your birth parent book. The one thing that remains constant in all birth parent books is sharing. Share your life with the prospective birth parents. Include details like where you vacation in the summer and what your hobbies are. It may be the smallest detail that allows a birth parent to really connect with you. Perhaps a birth parent chooses you because you are a graphic designer like the birth parent always wanted to be. Or perhaps a photo of you with your dog reminds the birth mother of her childhood dog. Or maybe you remind the birth father of himself. Even the smallest detail can make a world of difference. Be sure that you are attentive to openness of your adoption if you are considering sharing personal information, like the specifics of where you live and work.
Want More Help? We Are Here For You!
Adoption Makes Family is here to help! We are a non-profit (501-C3) licensed adoption agency based in Maryland. Our birth parent adoption counselors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience. If you would like our advice or just need to talk, please give us a call at any time.
24-Hour Hotline 410-683-2100
If you have any questions about how to create your adoption plan, you can contact us by e-mail – dr.kirschner@adoptionmakesfamily.org – or use our online contact form. Adoption Makes Family was founded to meet the needs of birth parents and adoptive parents in a manner that is sensitive, compassionate, and personal.