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What to Do When Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy as a Teen

Lone pregnant woman in red jacket sitting on a bench, leaning against a brick wallAn unplanned pregnancy can be a scary time for a woman. This is especially true for teen mothers. But it is important to understand that an unplanned pregnancy is not the end of the world. Below, we outline several ways to help you cope with your situation.

Realize You Are Not Alone

You are not the first person to experience an unplanned pregnancy. It is actually quite common. Every year in the United States, about half of all pregnancies are unplanned. And by age 45, more than half of all American women have experienced an unintended pregnancy. So, you are not alone. And it’s important to keep it that way. Establishing a support system – a team around yourself – is one of the best ways to deal with an unplanned pregnancy.

“Unexpected pregnancies are not events that should be dealt with alone,” says Elizabeth Danish, HealthGuidance. “Women should share their thoughts on this experience and surround themselves with a supportive group of people.”

Who makes up your support system? Your partner, parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, neighbors, and even healthcare professionals, local support groups, and adoption counselors can play a role. Everyone’s support system looks different. The important thing is to surround yourself with positive people who will actively help you throughout your journey – whatever that may look like.

Learn to Deal with Your Emotions

Having mixed emotions about an unplanned pregnancy is completely normal. It doesn’t make you a bad mother, explains psychologist Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D., A.D.H.D. It is completely normal to be nervous, scared, overwhelmed, or even angry at the situation. “It isn’t something you wrap your head around overnight,” says Ann Douglas, author of The Mother of All Pregnancy Books. The important thing is to find a way to acknowledge and work through your emotions in a constructive way. “You need to actively work through what you’re feeling,” adds Douglas.

Adoption Makes Family is here to listen, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are a non-profit (501-C3) licensed adoption agency based in Maryland. Our experienced professionals can help and counsel you so that you make the best decisions for your future. 

Call Us Now at (410) 683-2100

Begin to Educate Yourself

“It’s important to research all of your options to understand what may be the best option for you,” says Felicia Curcuru, Huffington Post. “If you are interested in adoption, start doing some research into both the good and the bad.” Again, an adoption counselor is a great resource. They will help educate you on all your options, not just adoption.

After thinking it through and determining the pros and cons of all options, women should succeed at wrapping their minds around the subject and shape a decision that’s most convenient for them,” says Danish.

Start Your Adoption Plan

If you determine that adoption is the right option for you, the next step is to create an adoption plan. The professionals at Adoption Makes Family have many years of experience in adoption services, and will walk you through every step of the adoption process, helping you make the best decisions for both you and your baby. And we will be there with you every step of the way, from the adoption plan to the birth and beyond. Our adoption counselors are here for you whenever you need us.

“Counseling is a necessary component of infant adoption, not just prior to placement but, in many cases, after placement as well,” write Chuck Johnson and Kris Faasse.

In many instances, counseling continues after placement. You are encouraged to stay as close as you feel comfortable. The support is here for you.

If you have any questions, you can contact us by phone at 410-683-2100, by e-mail at or use our online contact form.


  1. Brusie, Chaunie . “6 Ways To Cope With an Unplanned Pregnancy.” Every Day Family,
  2. Cooper, Lisa. “Coping With an Unplanned Pregnancy.” Babble, Babble, 23 Sept. 2014,
  3. Danish, Elizabeth. “Tips for Coping With an Unplanned Pregnancy.”, 
  4. “The Unintended Pregnancy.” Fit Pregnancy and Baby, 3 Apr. 2017,

Yang, Sarah. “How To Deal With A Surprise Pregnancy.” How to Deal With a Surprise Pregnancy, The Bump, 19 Aug. 2014,

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