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The Benefits of Working with a Local Adoption Agency in Maryland

Thinking about the benefits of a local adoption agency. A pregnant woman sitting in a grey chair, holding her stomach. There's a golden retriever sleeping at her feet. When a birth mother chooses to create an adoption plan, the next big decision she will have to make is which adoption agency to work with – and “there are lots of agencies to choose from all over the country,” says Jessie McNaughton, Family Connections, Inc. In this blog, however, we will focus on the benefits of working with a local adoption agency in Maryland.

Why You Should Work With a Local Adoption Agency

“Working with a small, local adoption agency rather than a large out-of-state agency has many benefits” adds McNaughton.

A Close, Personal Touch

“When you use an agency, they walk you through each step of the adoption process, (e.g., application, home study, creating a profile, advertising, placement, and finalization) and provide the professionals to guide you,” writes Narda Emett, A local adoption agency is involved in the process from the first phone call to the adoption and beyond.

Perhaps the biggest benefit to using a local adoption agency is in-person support, including “post-placement treatment from qualified adoption social workers or family therapists,” writes Emett, “at no additional charge.” After the placement, birth mothers can receive help throughout the years for whatever emotional issues she is having related to her adoption process, explains Dean Kirschner, Ph.D., LCSW-C. This includes everything from post-placement adoption counseling to something as seemingly simple as how to write a letter to your child.

This type of intimate relationship is not available when working with a large national agency.

Open Adoption Benefits

“Perhaps the most important thing to consider when envisioning your child’s life is where you fit,” says Haley Kirkpatrick, birth mother and contributor. “Do you see yourself directly involved in his or her life?” If so, working with a local adoption agency is a tremendous benefit. “In an open adoption, this makes visits easier,” says McNaughton. “Placing your child with a family a town, a county, or a short drive away can provide you with peace of mind.”

Even if you decide on a closed adoption, it is nice to choose a local family, explains Dr. Kirschner. “What if you decide at some point to meet the family and the child later in life? There is a better chance of that if the family is local or closer.”

Familiar with State Laws

Adoption laws vary from state to state, and a local Maryland agency should be intimately familiar with specific state laws. A larger, national adoption agency might not be as familiar with Maryland adoption laws. Furthermore, a local Maryland agency is licensed and reviewed annually by the state government.

Give Adoption Makes Family a Call – We’re a Local Adoption Agency in Maryland

One of the questions Chuck Johnson, President and CEO of the National Council For Adoption, most frequently hears is ‘How do I know if an agency is the right one for me?’ And the simplest answer is you won’t until you have a conversation. You want to choose an agency that you feel comfortable with, one that is quick to respond, and that answers your questions openly and honestly.

The adoption specialists at Adoption Makes Family are here to help you explore your feelings and answer any questions you may have. We are a non-profit (501-C3) licensed adoption agency based in Maryland and our experienced professionals are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Call Us Now at (410) 683-2100

Adoption Makes Family spends time getting to know you and your family. We will make sure that your baby is placed with an adoptive family with similar values if you choose. You can take comfort in knowing exactly what type of family your baby will be entering.

If you have any questions, you can contact us by phone at 410-683-2100, by e-mail at or use our online contact form.


  1. “Adoptive Families Blog.” The Benefits of Domestic Adoption,
  2. Adoptions, Inc. American. “Local Adoption Agencies.”  Advantages of Local Adoption Agencies,
  3. “How to Choose an Adoptive Family .” American Adoptions — America’s Adoption Agency,
  4. McNaughton, Jessie. “Family Connections, Inc. Adoption Blog.” 4 Reasons Birth Mothers Should Use A Local Agency,
  5. Stevens, Anita. “Family Connections, Inc. Adoption Blog.” Why Use a Local Adoption Agency | Adoption New York,
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