If you want to permanently place a child with a family member and allow them to adopt your child, this will require an adoption agency.
An unplanned pregnancy can be an unsettling experience. For many young parents, the thought of raising a child is almost too much to bear. And while you may not be ready to raise a child on your own, you may also wonder if you are ready to create an adoption plan for your child. . Many people in this situation consider having their child adopted by a family member: parents, grandparents, aunt or uncle, brother or sister, etc.
Exploring Your Options
Many young parents consider placing their child with a family member to help care for and raise their child. This type of action does not necessarily require any legal action or involvement by the state or an adoption agency. However, if you want to permanently place a child with a family member and allow them to adopt your child, this will require an adoption agency. This is a big decision and should only be done after careful thought.
Adoption Makes Family, a licensed, non-profit adoption agency monitored by the Maryland State Department of Human Resources, is here to help. We operate a 24-hour pregnancy hotline, ensuring you have a confidential, safe, and non-judgmental environment in which to explore your options.
24-Hour Pregnancy Hotline 410-683-2100
Our caring and compassionate counselors are here to assist you – at no fee. If you decide that adoption is the right choice for you, Adoption Makes Family can help you step-by-step on your journey.
Are There Benefits (and Disadvantages) to Having a Family Member Adopt Your Child?
There are several benefits to choosing to allow a family member to adopt your child:
Remain a Part of Your Child’s Life
Allowing a relative to adopt your child relieves you of the financial responsibilities of raising a child, but may ensure you remain a part of your son or daughter’s life. However, this new arrangement can dramatically change your relationship with your family member. So, it is important to define these new relationships before undertaking such an adoption.
Streamlined Process
Adoption laws are generally state laws and can differ substantially from one state to another.
In several states, when a birth parent makes a direct placement of the child with a relative, the adoption process is streamlined and may not require a placement assessment or home study unless specifically ordered by the court. Other states, however, require that the child reside with the relative for a certain period of time or otherwise established a significant relationship. And what about Maryland laws or laws in your home state? The best solution is to contact a local adoption agency to help you navigate thos complex legal matter.
Possible Disadvantages to Having a Family Member Adopt Your Child
You will need to consider how you will feel seeing your child being raised by a family member. Remember that you will see your child as often as you see your family member and you will hear your child calling that person mom or dad.
Remember, you are not alone. Adoption Makes Family is here to help!
Adoption Makes Family is here to help as you consider what option will be the best for you and your baby. You can also contact us by e-mail – dr.kirschner@adoptionmakesfamily.org – or use our online contact form.
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