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Our Commitment to You

An unplanned pregnancy can be a tough time filled with confusion and uncertainty. Your thoughts may be racing; you may feel scared and overwhelmed. Adoption Makes Family is here to listen, help and counsel you so that you make the best decisions for your future.

We promise to:

  • Treat you with sensitivity and respect.
  • Help you create a loving adoption plan that will focus on your wishes and dreams for the future of your child.
  • Share adoptive family profiles with you so that you may assist in selecting the family to love and parent your child.
  • Allow you to choose a closed or an open adoption.
    • If you choose a closed adoption, we will protect your anonymity.
    • If you choose an open adoption, we will connect you with the adoptive family before the baby is born and we will help you communicate with the adoptive family by mail, telephone or in person after the baby’s birth.

You are not alone.  We are here to help you at any point along your journey.  You may chat live with an adoption counselor – look for the chat button at the bottom right of your screen or for the text button at the upper left of your screen.

Do you have questions?  You can view and download our Birth Parent’s Resource guide.

Our Birth Parent Resource guide is designed to answer many of your questions.  You can learn more about deciding if adoption is an option for you.  You can learn about the process of creating an adoption plan, Open versus Closed adoptions, adoption laws, and the special way that Adoption Makes Family works with you to create an adoption plan.  You are still welcome to call, text or email Adoption Makes Family with any of your questions.

Adoption Makes Family is for the adoptive family as well, providing adoption services to a family choosing to embark on their own adoption journey. Adoption Makes Family is located just north of Baltimore, Maryland, serving birth parents throughout the state and adoptive families across the country.
10635 York Road
Adoption Makes Family was founded to meet the needs of birth parents and adoptive parents in a manner that is sensitive, compassionate, and personal. We are a non-profit (501-C3), licensed adoption agency based in Maryland. Our highly trained staff is prepared to meet the needs of birth parents and adoptive parents, as well as children in need of a loving home.
10635 York Road