Creating an adoption plan can be an incredibly difficult and emotionally draining experience for a birth mother. Dealing with an uncooperative birth father certainly doesn’t make things any easier.
Can Biological Parents Regain Custody After Adoption?
One of the questions we hear fairly regularly from hopeful adoptive parents is, “Can biological parents regain custody after adoption?”
Talking About Adoption With Friends and Family – Adoptive Parents
“Whether you have already adopted or are in the process of adopting or are placing a child, your family and friends may have a lot of questions,” writes Lita Jordan, adoptive mother. Talking about adoption with friends and family members can, at times, be difficult.
How Do I Adopt in Maryland?
If you’ve thought about adopting a child, chances are that you’ve also asked yourself the question, “How do I adopt in Maryland?”
Coping with Life After Adoption
Choosing to create an adoption plan is one of the toughest decisions a mother will ever make. Many struggle coping with life after adoption.
How Will Adoption Affect My Baby?
When grappling with the difficult decision to create an adoption plan, one of the questions we hear pretty regularly is “How will adoption affect my baby?
Adoption Tax Credit
Adoptive parents around the country may qualify for a tax credit. Parents who either adopted a child or tried to adopt a child may claim the adoption credit . Here are nine things you should know about this credit. Credit…. Read More
Adoption Tax Credit
CNN recently did a news piece on the elimination of the adoption tax credit. For anyone interested in adoption, this is so important. Check it out!
Simply Spectacular Saturday
We had an amazing time at the annual picnic today. By every account, it was Simply Spectacular. It is so wonderful to see all of the families, watching our children grow and having a great time swapping stories about the… Read More